Tuesday 25 November 2014

Annarose wins BEST ACTOR award at ASVOF in Paris!

I'm very proud to announce that Annarose was awarded the Best Acting gong at Diane Pernet's A Shaded View On Fashion Film Festival this weekend at Centre Pompidou, Paris.

I'm so happy for Annarose, and our whole team - it is an amazing feeling to be acknowledged in such a lovely way for our work.

Annarose as Dolly - as seen on the big cinema screen at Centre Pompidou, Paris 

It was also a great experience to watch Dolly, the film Annarose won the award for, on the big screen with a cinema full of fashionistas. Annarose looked amazing and her performance truly captivated the audience.

Laura (director) wearing Boudicca, with ASVOF founder, Diane Pernet
Now, what could be better motivation than this to get on with the post-production of the films, and rehearse our final Face - Goddess - for our live performance at Stanley Picker gallery on 17th December?

A bientot,

Laura X

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